Let us consider one-dimensional cellular automata for simplicity. Cells are connected as a chain. Each cell is numbered from 0 (left) to N-1 (right). Each cell is given a integer value from 0 to k-1. The state of cell i at time t is denoted s[i](t).
The value of a cell i is updated by the following rule:
The state of a cell i is updated depending on 2*r+1 neighboring
sites. The function F should be common for all cells. The
function F is called the update rule.
The system is discrete both in time and space. The state of a cell is finite. States of all cells are updated parallelly.
Let us consider a simpler case. The number of state is k=2. Namely the state takes only two values, 0 and 1. And a cell interacts only with its nearest neighbors (r=1).
Because each cell interacts only with its nearest neighbors, the number of variables in the function F is three. Each variable takes two values, 0 and 1. So the number of patterns in variables is eight. Specifying 0 or 1 for each of 8 input patterns determines the update rule F. Therefore the number of update rules is 2**8=256.
Symmetric rules in those 256 rules are called Wolfram's elementary CA (cellular automata). Some of those simple rules can generate very complex behavior.