Shin-ichi TADAKI: Professor, Department of Information Science, Saga University: He was born in Asahikawa, Hokkaido,
Japan in 1959. He graduated Tohoku
University in 1982 and obtained Doctor degree of Science in
physics in 1987 ( Group
for theoretical solid state physics and statistical physics). His
doctor thesis is titled Thermodynamics and Quantum Field Theory of
a System with Black Holes supervised by Prof. S. Takagi. He
joined Theoretical
Astrophysics group (Prof. H. Sato) of Kyoto University as PD
fellow in 1988. He engaged in an associate professor of Dept. Info. Sci, Saga Univ in
1990 and was appointed to a professor in 2000.
He has been working as the director of Computer and Network Center,
Saga University since 2006.
He has been working as a professor of Dept. Info .Sci, Saga Univ since 2013.
Relaxing in Xiamen, China (attending STATPHYS19, Aug., 1995)